Waste time with me for the next 90 seconds to watch this video. You’ll be glad you did.

If you’ve waited till today to do your taxes, take a break from the numbers swimming in front of your eyes and read this article from Time.

If you’re a writer, you might find this article helpful. This paragraph stands out to me:

Remind yourself of the dangers of putting things off. “Think about the amount of stress caused by putting off things and how much frustration will be caused if you continue not to take action,” says Alpert. “Imagine how good you’ll feel once you finally do act. Compare the cost of taking action to not taking it at all.”

Where’s my original article about procrastination? Um… It’s languishing in outline form. Today’s meetings ran extra long. Seriously. I did NOT procrastinate.

What articles or other media have you taken in through your senses this week?
Share a link below in the comments.