HealthTech companies that create content generate leads. In general, if you produce and publish more content, your search rankings will improve, you will build customer trust, and generate more revenue.

Creating content, however, doesn’t happen in a vacuum or as an afterthought. You need a process, a plan, and the right people to make it happen.

In this article, we will answer five questions:

  1. Why do you need a content development process?
  2. What is the philosophy behind great content?
  3. How do you build safeguards for your content and your team?
  4. How should you deploy content?
  5. How do you create a useful calendar?

1. Why do you need a content development process?

“Creativity doesn’t flourish in a process.”
I believed that lie for many years. I was producing a daily, pre-recorded radio talk show. Industry veterans urged me to put 20 episodes “in the can” and get ahead. At 23, I kicked at the goads while still striving to be a team player. Boy, am I glad.

I learned my lesson in nine grueling and sometimes painful months, and emerged with a new mantra:

“Process gives room for creativity to grow.”

Have you ever stood next to a machine and felt static electricity or felt the wind generated by moving parts? These machines work as they are designed to operate, but give off excess energy. The same thing happens with any solid process.

When it comes to the content goals for your HealthTech company, your content calendar produces the most energy which can be spent in extra time to go deeper on a topic, extra bandwidth to create more graphics or supporting content, or the ability to take a deep breath and recover before moving forward.

This newfound margin is where creativity truly flourishes. With the time and sanity created by a process, you can come up with new ideas, spend more time on complicated tasks, experiment with things you once thought too time-consuming, risk failure, or find other ways to augment and improve.

The statistics bear this out.

Read the other four aspects of a winning content calendar in the full article.

We’ve also created this infographic called the Content Mapping Matrix. Click on the image below to download it.

Content Mapping Matrix Infographic Preview