• Content marketing costs 60% less than outbound marketing
  • It generates three times as many leads as other avenues
  • Companies that blog increase their positive ROI 13x

So why does it feel like blogging is dying?

Because some blogs are on life support.

Is yours?

In a recent article at goldenspiralmarketing.com, I wrote about three reasons having a business blog still matters. Here’s an excerpt:

3. Your Content is the Magnet to Convert Leads

We see so many company blogs that stop at delivering a message. They don’t go the next step to convert their visitors into leads.

In the same way you have to ask for the sale, you must ask for the conversion. Author and influence expert Robert Cialdini isn’t wrong when he encourages communicators to create “ethical bribes” to exchange content with high value for something small like an email address.

Furthermore, if you are going to discuss your product and expertise in any other format—social media, a podcast, webinars, or video—how do you keep the conversation going? How do you get your audience to respond?

Direct them to your blog (or podcast show notes, video information pages, etc.) or other information pages need conversion points (like the one above) so that you have a chance to get to know them better and serve their needs.

Recently, I created an infographic to help all content creators write with clarity. Click on the picture to download yours.