I heard a great story today. You’ve probably heard it, too, but it bears repeating–especially at this time of year.

A man was walking along the street, and as he passed a construction zone, he fell in a deep hole. One with walls so steep he could not get out. He yelled for help.

The first passerby was a doctor, who asked if he was injured. After answering that nothing was broken but he hurt all over, he saw a prescription float into the hole and the doctor was gone.

The next passerby was a minister. The minister asked if the man was alright, and when the answer was a reluctant “yes,” a prayer on a slip of paper came floating into the hole.

The third passerby was the man’s best friend, and the man in the hole was jubilant. Until his friend jumped into the hole with him. The startled man asked his friend, “Why did you do that? Now we’re both in the hole.” The friend answered, “Yes, but I’ve been down here before and I know the way out.”

If you’re in a hole, look around for your friends. They can help. I’m grateful for my friends who regularly point to the light in the tunnel. Oddly enough, there are times I don’t want to walk to the light. They help me take the next step and sing for joy.