Heath Ledger (1979 – 2008)

Heath Ledger died today of an apparent drug overdose. The media hasn’t announced whether his tragic death occurred due to intent or mistake. We’ve lost a talented actor. Talk radio hosts—who sometimes seem to love the sounds of their own voices more than the content...

More Words Used by Lewis that I Don’t Full Comprehend

I have spoken–and even used for my own writing–a few of today’s words. But in transparency, I include them here because I wanted to understand these words more fully.(Didn’t know Lewis ever made the cover of Time. Cool.)lassitude: a state of...

Words I Learned Today

I started a habit a number of years ago. When reading, I try to keep a pencil handy to underline words I don’t know the definitions of. I then look up the words and expand my vocabulary. Normally, I don’t have to do this when reading fiction. For...

Joyful, I Hope

My favorite hymn is “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” by Henry Van Dyke. The lyrics hit me today like a dodge ball to the chest when you least expect it. I heard the lyrics today with the ears of a 38-year-old father of four nursing a running injury while...

University of Georgia Men’s Glee Club

Blogger’s Note: I ran across a newsletter today and its contents got me thinking about Men’s Glee Club at the University of Georgia — the most fun I had at college and a major reason I met my wife. Here are two videos I found on YouTube. I’m...