3.5 Lions out of 5
I recommend this film for ages 8 and up (4 and up if watching with a parent)
I believe both genders will enjoy this film

Michael Keaton plays a blues bandleader who loses his life on an icy road on his way home after a gig at Christmas. The following year, magic brings him back for a second chance as a husband and father. He transforms into a snowman in this modern and hip version of the “Frosty the Snowman” mini-legend.

I first saw pieces of “Jack Frost” on TBS and wrote the movie off as silly and insignificant. Call me a sucker for a father/son story. I finally watched the entire thing one Christmas Eve as I helped St. Nicholas prepare our home for the joys of Christmas morning. I suppose my lingering grief over the loss of my dad made me wish—like Charlie—for a few more days with my dad.

Jack’s widow, Gabby, and Charlie become a little hardened and distant after their tragedy. Director Troy Miller (“The Flight of the Conchords”) adds the salt and pepper of real grief to the fantasy story. Amid special effects, physical comedy, and a few lame jokes, the audience feels genuine sorrow.

Pay Attention
Michael Keaton actually holds his own as a blues singer. Enjoy the two big numbers, “Frosty the Snowman” and “Have a Little Faith.” The soundtrack is only available from iTunes. The CD is discontinued. Amazon.com offers a few imports that include the entire song list.

The “first holiday” following the death of a loved one is like walking down an icy road with a blindfold on—you have no idea when you’re going to slip and fall. There’s an empty place at the table. There’s a laugh missing from the get-together. There’s one less person in the group picture.

Do you know someone who has lost a close friend or loved one during the last few months? Lend your shoulder, your ear, and your handkerchief to them. (Well, maybe you can give the handkerchief.)

Widescreen Wisdom
“Jack Frost “ reminds us that everyone needs a second chance. Jonah got his after being inside a whale. Balaam got a second chance after a donkey jack-knifed after an angel sighting. Peter got a second chance after a bad night around a campfire. We are given our second chances, too.

Bob Carlisle, the former lead singer of the Christian rock band The Allies, became famous for his song about a father and his daughter—“Butterfly Kisses”. As a follow-up, he recorded “A Father’s Love” about a father and his son. The song plays an important role in the movie and scored a minor hit for him. CCM mega group Jars of Clay also placed a track on the soundtrack.