NPR posted photographs and a story today that are enough to make us marvel.

How far we’ve come as a nation since 1865 when Abraham Lincoln swore to uphold the Constitution a second time. In 143 years, we’ve paved Pennsylvania Avenue (which was muddy in these photographs). We’ve integrated schools and then segregated them again by “white flight.” We traded in the Mason-Dixon line for a civil war of values that rages out of control. 680,000 fathers, brothers, and sons were killed during the War Between the States. More than 28 million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade.

We were a divided nation then. We are a divided nation now with TV analysts finding a visual cue (red and blue states) to make better video and to pigeon-hole and label us.

On President’s Day, as we celebrate Lincoln and others, can we look at ourselves? I’m asking myself, “In what areas do I need to take personal responsibility to make my home, my street, my community, my metropolitan area, my state, my nation, and my world better?”

Will you ask yourself the same question? And will you take action on the answer?

No President–not even Lincoln, no cabinet, no legislature, no Roosevelt era organization can solve our problems. We must rely upon God to help us bring about change.